Our Church School
We are proud to be a Church School.
We are...
A school family, learning for life in all its fullness.
Collective Worship
Collective worship forms an important part of our school life.
Our worship is an opportunity to come together to discuss and explore our ideas, further developing our spirituality.
See the presentation below to see how we structure our collective worship.
Collective Worship
Developing spirituality through 'Windows, Mirrors and Doors.'
Windows: giving children opportunities to become aware of the world in new ways; to wonder about life’s ‘WOWs’ (things that are amazing) and ‘OWs’ (things that bring us up short). In this children are learning about life in all its fullness.
Mirrors: giving children opportunities to reflect on their experiences; to meditate on life’s big questions and to consider some possible answers. In this they are learning from life by exploring their own insights and perspectives and those of others.
Doors: giving children opportunities to respond to all of this; to do something creative as a means of expressing, applying and further developing their thoughts and convictions. In this they are learning to live by putting into action what they are coming to believe and value.
Click on the image to read our Collective Worship Policy
Many of us have been at home a great deal over the last year.
Click the button for a link to worship ideas you can watch at home.
Our Christian Values
‘Always be thankful.’
1 Thessalonians 5.16
‘ Tell the truth to each other.’
Zechariah 8.16
Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.’ ’ John 4:34
'Encourage one another and build each other up.’
1 Thessalonians 5.11
‘'Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive others.’
Colossians 3.13
‘Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’
Joshua 1.9
Our Church Ethos
Click on the image to read about how we demonstrate our Church Ethos in school
SIAMS Reports
As a Church School, we are regularly inspected to ensure we maintain the high standards expected by the Church of England.
Mary Dean's SIAMS report 2017 - Click here