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Computing Curriculum Statement

Mary Dean’s CE Primary School

May 2022




At Mary Dean’s, we aim to equip students with a uniquely powerful set of tools to interact

successfully with an increasing computer dominated world. We provide our pupils with the

skills to participate effectively and safely in the digital world both in school and at home and

celebrate the positive effects that social media can have. We understand that

technology can cause negative issues both in and outside of the classroom and believe

firmly that the one of the best tools we have is to educate our pupils that there are choices



We follow the iLearn2 curriculum which ensures that our curriculum is broad and

enriching for our pupils. The intent of the iLearn2 Computing scheme of work is to help pupils become independent, creative, safe, respectful and problem-solving digital citizens with a broad and transferrable skillset. iLearn2 makes computing fun for pupils, inspiring them to develop skills beyond the classroom and building an awareness of all the opportunities the subject provides. Throughout all units skills are repeatedly revisited to ensure that our pupils leave with a secure understanding of all elements of the curriculum.


We have arranged the units into a two year rolling programme to fit with our mixed age

classes. The units have been arranged to allow for each class to cover the whole curriculum

objectives and deepen their understanding through consolidation.




At Mary Dean’s, we believe that clear and effective progression planning is needed to break

down the National Curriculum coverage into small progressive steps to meet the

requirements of the children in each year group. This enables them to make links to

previous learning and quickly build upon it. We also believe strongly that this begins with

pupils in EYFS through their curiosity before they enter KS1 and needing to have the

opportunity to develop their curiosity about technology and how and why things work.



Through the iLearn2 units of work, we cover the following areas of the Computing curriculum:




Information Technology

Mouse & keyboard skills
Image editing
Music creation
Learning about computers from the past, present and future.
Digital art
Data handling
Comic creation
Graphic design
App design

Computer Science

Mouse & keyboard skills
Image editing

Digital Literacy

Inside a computer
Computer networks & the internet


How is computing taught?

- weekly throughout KS1 and KS2

- EYFS children have access to digital resources throughout their creative play

- Following the detailed and comprehensive iLearn2 units

- Using the skills progression and 2 year rolling programme to ensure full coverage

- Pupils are assessed throughout each lesson and lessons adapted to ensure objectives are

met before moving on

At Mary Dean’s we have established the use of iPads throughout KS1 and KS2 and these support and enhance learning in not only Computing lessons but across the curriculum. Children in KS2 also have access to Chromebooks and each child has a Google account which provides them with online cloud storage of their work and also access to a range of other valuable apps and resources.





At Mary Dean’s we take great pride in the teaching and learning of computing and continually strive to ensure that every child can become a confident user of technology, by adapting and changing our curriculum and resources to keep up with current technologies.


Every child will:

- have the opportunity to develop skills both independently and collaboratively

- have misconceptions challenged to deepen their understanding

- use their feedback to further develop their understanding

- develop their understanding in each unit and ensure that units are not repetitive by following the schools overview


Computing will be monitored regularly to ensure that pupils are receiving high quality lessons which allow them to make good or better progress. Pupils will be fully supported by staff and challenged to allow them to reach their full potential.

Year 3&4 have been using a 3D Design Programme called TinkerCAD

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