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Writer's pictureMary Dean's Primary

Mrs Hardie and Mrs Borosczky - Look at us!

So here we are in the second half of the Autumn term! Where did the first half go?! Thank you to those of you who attended the Parent / teacher consultations before half term. We hope they were useful and informative. The children have settled into routines and expectations and seem increasingly confident. It's great to see that the children are keen to share their successes with you on Class Dojo and that they are keen to use Study Ladder at home. We hope to upload more work examples to the children's own Dojo stories this term. The Study Ladder certificates are a real winner and proving popular and motivating. Many of the children are rising to our Reading Challenge and continue to read on a daily basis. Remember that reading really is the key to success! If there are any queries then please feel free to contact us or catch us in school (preferably at then end of the day). We are looking forward to a busy Christmas term and a continuing successful year.

Christmas crafts - The Christmas crafts have started! The children are enjoying being creative. This week we've made some fantastic reindeer hats which involved children drawing, cutting, organising and gluing. Later in the week the children made Christmas trees and VERY glittery stars for their Christmas trees at home.

Letters from Father Christmas - As you know, the children wrote amazing letters to Father Christmas last week. These were so fantastic that the elves at Father Christmas' workshop replied. How extremely lucky the class are!

Christmas Jumper Day- December 2017

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